Integrating digital learning tools has become increasingly important for enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes in the rapidly evolving educational landscape. This research aimed to assess the feasibility of a developed e-module and its impact on student learning outcomes. The development process followed the ADDIE Model, comprising five stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The instruments used included interview sheets, e-module validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and a 20-item test instrument. The e-module was validated by experts based on content, presentation, language, and graphic criteria, achieving an average validity score of 91.6%, indicating strong validity. Following validation, the e-module was implemented with 36 eleventh-grade Science Program (XI MIA) students at a high Islamic school in Medan during the 2023/2024 academic year. The results demonstrated a significant improvement in student learning outcomes, as evidenced by an N-gain score of 0.76, which falls within the high criteria. Additionally, student responses to the e-module were overwhelmingly positive, with an average approval rating of 87%, categorising their feedback as "very good." The findings suggest that the developed e-module is feasible and effective in enhancing student learning outcomes. The high validation scores and positive student feedback indicate that the e-module is well-designed and meets educational standards. It is a valuable tool for improving student engagement and achievement in the classroom.