The purpose of this article is to prove P-convexity for biinvariant differential operators on connected simply connected nilpotent Lie groups. More precisely, we show that for any compact subset K of a connected simply connected nilpotent Lie group N, and for any non-zero biinvariant differential operator P on N, there is a compact subset L ~ K with the property that whenever the support of Pu is contained in L for a C OO function of compact support u on N, then the support of u is contained in L. I am grateful to M. Duflo, to A. Cerezo, and to F. Rouvi6re for several helpful discussions. Solubility properties of biinvariant operators have been considered by several authors. S. Helgason 1,6] proves local solvability of biinvariant operators on semisimple Lie groups. Rais 1,8] proves the existence of a fundamental solution for a biinvariant operator on a connected simply connected nilpotent Lie group. Duflo and Rais 1,4] prove the local solvability of biinvariant operators on a solvable Lie group and Rouvi6re [9] proves semi-global solvability for biinvariant operators on simply connected solvable groups. Finally, Duflo 1,3] proves local solvability of biinvariant operators on any Lie group whatsoever. Semi-global solvability is in general false even for noncompact simple groups as was demonstrated by A. Cerezo and F. Rouvi6re 1,2]. Finally, even local solvability of left invariant operators is frequently false as was shown by L. Hormander, c.f. 1,6-1 and independently by A. Cerezo and F. Rouvi6re I-1]. From our result and that of Rais 1,8-1 or Rouvi6re 1,9-1, we conclude the global solvability of biinvariant operators on simply connected nilpotent Lie groups, i.e. that for any C oO function f and nonzero biinvariant operator P on a simply connected nilpotent Lie group N, there exists a Coo function u on N such that Pu =f. For simply connected abelian Lie groups, this reduces to the theorem of Malgrange and Ehrenpreis that constant coefficient differential operators on R n are globally solvable, c.f. 1,11-1. Thus our Theorem2 can be regarded as a generalization of the Malgrange-Ehrenpreis theorem. Henceforward N will denote a connected simply connected nilpotent Lie group, and 9l its Lie algebra. We write exp: 91--*N for the exponential map of 91
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