43 A National Cancer Control Plan (NCCP) comprises an important part of a country’s non-communicable disease (NCD) plan and can help countries meet NCD targets outlined in the WHO Global NCD Action Plan. A comprehensive cancer control plan is based on data such as a country’s cancer burden and cancer risk factors, available resources, and local context of culture and health care. The plan provides a systematic framework for implementation of evidence-based and cost-effective strategies for cancer prevention and control. The InternationalCancerControl LeadershipForum isa2-3day regionalworkshopwith thematic seminar modules on cancer control planning and implementation, aswell as interactive action planning sessions. The goal is to increase the capacity of participating countries to initiate or enhance cancer control planning and implementation through a multisectoral approach. The country teams are composed of high-level leaders who represent government agencies, civil society, oncology professionals, and academia. The program approach engages country teams over a year and a half. Approximately 3-6months prior to the forum, teams conduct a situational analysis of the cancer burden and cancer control planning efforts in their country. During the Forum, teams are introduced to evidence-based approaches and exchange best-practices with colleagues to develop a 12-month action plan to move their cancer control planning and implementation efforts forward. In the year after the Forum, country teams and Forum faculty meet for 3-4 follow-upphone calls to address technical assistanceneeds as countries begin to implement their actionplan.Thus far, Forumshavebeenheld inAfrica,SoutheastAsia, thePacific, theCaribbean,Middle East-North Africa, Latin America, and Central Asia regions. The country teams report that the Forum provides an important opportunity to plan with diverse stakeholders. Participants also report increased awareness and knowledge on developing and implementing a national cancer control plan, and learn best-practices from their colleagues in neighboring countries. In some Forums, countries have shown interest to work collaboratively towards regional initiatives. AUTHORS’ DISCLOSURES OF POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: No COIs from the authors. Tulika Singh,BrendaKostelecky, and Lisa Stevens, Center forGlobalHealth,National Cancer Institute (NCI),National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services Corresponding author: Brenda Kostelecky, Center for Global Health, National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services, 9609 Medical Center Dr, Rockville, MD 20852; 240-276-5585; kosteleckybd@mail.nih.gov DOI: 10.1200/JGO.2016.004853 Tulika Singh Brenda Kostelecky
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