The aim of this study was to assess the hearing results after unilateral stapes surgery for otosclerosis at Cluj-Napoca University Hospital, and to evaluate surgical trauma to the inner ear in these patients. The medical records of 387 consecutive patients who underwent unilateral stapes surgery were reviewed. Hearing results were evaluated according to the 1995 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium guidelines and the Glasgow benefit plot. In addition we used Amsterdam plot to give an overview on air conduction gain and bone-conduction differences on an individual level. Results were analyzed separately for patients with preoperative unilateral, bilateral asymmetrical, and bilateral symmetrical hearing loss. Despite good technical hearing results after surgery (closure of the air-bone gap to ≤20 dB in 92% of patients, air conduction gain of 24 ± 10.00 dB), only 37% of patients achieved functionally normal, symmetrical hearing. Our results indicated that the pattern of preoperative hearing impairment in patients with otosclerosis can predict postoperative functional hearing results. The type of preoperative hearing impairment had.
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