Two aged patients, i.e., a 75-year-old patient with the well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma originating in the gingiva and an 80-year-old patient with the verrucous carcinoma, showed excellent responses to daily administration of a small dose (2.5mg) of Peplomycin.In the patient with the lower gingival carcinoma, the tumor no longer existed when the patient returned one year after discharge due to a total dose of 80mg of Peplomycin, 43, 500mg of Futraful suppository, 3, 400 rad of external 60Co irradiation, 750mg daily of Futraful suppository and 3.0g daily of Krestin over 1 year after discharge. In the other patient with the upper gingival carcinoma, administering of a total dose of 22.5mg of Peplomycin alone regressed the tumor, which was resected under local anesthesia.In both patients, the favorable general condition during the treatment including immunity was thought to be greatly contributory to the excellent responses.
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