Thermal Shape Fluctuation (TSF) Model describes the properties of the Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR) radiation emitted by hot rotating nu-clei. This approach turned out to be a very efficient method of extracting the information about the shapes of nuclei and their evolution with increasing angular momentum. The GDR can be built also on the ground-state band but this process needs advanced microscopic methods to be described adequately. We propose to investigate the GDR strength function with the developed for this purpose TSF model. The potential energy surface, which allows to calculate the shape probability using the so-called Boltz-mann factor, is obtained within macroscopic-microscopic method, where the Folded-Yukawa model is used for macroscopic part and Folded-Yukawa plus exponential mean-field potential to generate the single-particle energies. The Strutinsky shell-, and the particle number projected BCS pairing-correction energies give the microscopic contribution to the energy of a nucleus at each given deformation. The method has been tested for Se-lenium and Neodymium isotopes for which the photo-absorption spectra were measured and preliminary results will be presented.
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