The paper presents the methods of finding for underground water resources using the observation method of the natural impulsive electromagnetic field of the Earth and substantiates the technology of drilling water wells using the down-the-hole drilling method. The most promising sources for extracting of high-quality drinking water, namely fractured water, are considered. It is shown that these methods can be applied in mining areas with an open type of mineral development in the crystalline rocks of the Ukrainian Shield, given the strength of the rocks in geological fault zones, which exceeds f=10 on Professor Protodyakonov’s scale. Previously, water resources in such collector formations were not considered promising due to the difficulty of drilling. The flow rate for water is directly proportional to the final diameter of the drilling wells, that is, the larger the final diameter of the well, the larger the diameter of the filtration column that can be installed, and the greater the discharge that can be obtained. Therefore, equipment with diameters of 200 mm and larger is used for water wells construction.