Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the need to conduct a scientific analysis of the quality of the country’s population life, improve the standard of citizens living through the implementation of medical measures, including medical and preventive work.The purpose of the work is to conduct a comparative analysis of the quality of life of urban and rural residents of the Yaroslavl Region based on physical and psychological well-being, determine the level of general health indicators of the working-age population, and analyze the role of organizational and preventive measures in improving the quality of life.Materials and methods. The SF‑36 questionnaire was used in the study to assess the quality of life. 600 residents (age (25.1±0.8) years) of Yaroslavl and the Yaroslavl Region took part in the survey. The ratio of men and women was 50 % and 50 %, respectively.Results. It was revealed that the quality of life of rural residents has lower values compared to city residents. This difference is especially noticeable in indicators that are directly dependent on the emotional and physical state of a person.Discussion. The conducted comprehensive analysis shows that as a result, the assessment of the quality of life of the population of the respondents was based on their subjective understanding and perception of their own situation in life, which is also typical for studies in other regions of the country. The indicators of the general health of the rural population of working age indicated insufficient access to medical care and a low level of literacy of the population in matters of maintaining and strengthening their own health, as well as medical activity.Conclusion. Hygienic assessment of the quality of the population life in terms of physical and psychological well-being made it possible to identify a number of differences in the assessment of the quality of urban and rural areas residents life at Yaroslavl and the Yaroslavl Region. Most of the considered characteristics of the quality of rural residents life had reliably significant low values in comparison with city residents.
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