The alkaline hydrolyses of ..cap alpha..-acetoxystyrenes 1a-f and 1-acetoxy-1-ethoxy-2-phenylethylene (2) have been shown to proceed by the same mechanism which has been demonstrated for the hydrolysis of alkyl and aryl acetates. Among the pieces of experimental evidence leading to this conclusion are the inverse solvent deuterium isotope effects (0.74 + 0.07 for 1c, 0.80 +- 0.09 for 2), the kinetics of hydrolysis, which are first order in hydroxide ion, and the absence of general base catalysis of hydrolysis. In mildly acidic solution, however, the hydrolysis of 2 proceeds exclusively by a mechanism involving a rate-determining proton transfer to the leaving group double bond, a mechanism which was previously demonstrated for ..cap alpha..-acetoxystyrenes in strongly acidic solution. Carbonyl labeled ..cap alpha..-acetoxystyrene-/sup 18/O as synthesized, and /sup 18/O exchange from the carbonyl position during alkaline hydrolysis was investigated; no /sup 18/O exchange was observed. This behavior is similar to that observed for aryl esters, and contrasts with that observed for hydrolysis of esters with less acidic leaving groups. These observations support our contention that acetophenone enols are about as acidic as phenols, a conclusion which, along with the fraction enol in acetophenone, leads to a carbon pK/sub a/ for acetophenone of 15.8more » +- 1.0.« less
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