The focus of this article is on insights gained from the extraordinary dynamics that took place between a pair of reunited monozygotic female twins from Greece. Topics include visualizing the co-twin prior to meeting, the unique love and attraction between the twins, a mother's response to discovering her child's cotwin and the challenges posed by insufficient kinship categories. The following section of this article surveys four recent twin research reports. They include Bereavement and Lifespan Associations; Novel Mutations in Twins; Parenting Premature Multiples; and Conjoined Twins. The final part of this article presents interesting and informative news about twins from popular sources. The topics covered are the passing of Madeline Albright (Secretary of State and mother of twins); identical twin songwriters; visually impaired twin and sibling skiiers; identical twin brothers who both received heart transplants; and the naming of the Genain quadruplets.