Fuzzy multivalued mappings have been introduced as a natural extension of classical multivalued mappings. Our previous work has been devoted to the extension of the images of sets under a multivalued mapping to the fuzzy case. The direct image and the lower inverse image under a fuzzy multivalued mapping have been modelled using the degree of compatibility of fuzzy sets defined from a triangular norm. For the upper inverse image three different definitions have been proposed using the concept of a fuzzy inclusion defined from an implication operator. In this paper, we introduce composition, cartesian and direct products of fuzzy multivalued mappings and study their properties. A special attention is paid to the expressions for the images under the products of fuzzy multivalued mappings. For the composition the properties of the images in terms of cuts are also studied. The cartesian and direct products are defined for two fuzzy multivalued mappings. Using the concept of a diagonal of a fuzzy multivalued mapping, the interesting relationship between them is established. The possible extension of these products to a finite number of fuzzy multivalued mappings is discussed, as well. Finally, examples of five families of implication operators, defined from a triangular norm, and that satisfy the imposed conditions are presented.