College graduates’ job satisfaction is validated via their feedback, experiences and personal developments during their career progression. Validation is accomplished to ensure the students’ job satisfaction and retain them for a prolonged time. The traditional validation models have difficulties in analyzing the individual satisfaction level. The research issue is addressed by introducing the Quantitative Assessment Method (QAM) using Fuzzy Logic to validate the job satisfaction level of different newly placed students. The QAM approach assesses the student experience and personal development across various quarters. The fuzzy optimization uses two factors differentially using partial derivatives. The partial derivatives are extracted using the min–max functions of the fuzzification process such that the derivatives are halted after the maximum factors. The proposed method optimizes the validation using individual satisfaction levels and cumulative experience shared by the students. The available derivatives identify the best-afford job satisfaction level for different progression levels. This best-fit feature is handled using multiple min and max derivatives to extract optimal outputs. This proposed method is valid for improving satisfaction levels and experience analysis.