We present two atomic and molecular (A&M) databases, MolD and BEAMDB, hosted by the SerVO – the Serbian virtual observatory ( http://servo.aob.rs ). These databases and web applications have been implemented in accordance to the standards developed by Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre (VAMDC, http://www.vamdc.eu ). The MolD database contains photo-dissociation cross-sections for individual rovibrational states of the diatomic molecular ions and rate coefficients for the atom-Rydberg atom chemi-ionisation and inverse electron-ion-atom chemi-recombination processes. The Belgrade electron/atom(molecule) database (BEAMDB) provides collisional data for electron interactions with atoms and molecules. Differential cross sections (DCS) are presented for both elastic and inelastic (excitation) cross sections in tabulated data tables. These DCS data are integrated over a full range of scattering angles in order to achieve integral, momentum transfer and viscosity cross sections as functions of impact electron energy. Beside these tables, energy loss spectra are presented in the graphical form.
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