The mechanical function or failure of the heart is defined by the adaptability of its contractility under different conditions. This, coupled with dynamic changes of heart mechanics, via hemodynamics or pathological stiffening, have driven decades of research to understand how external mechanical cues affect function of cardiac muscle cells (CMs). Despite a growing body of research on the effect of microenvironment mechanics (often stiffness) on contractility of CMs, there has been little appreciation of how this adaptation evolves over time. In vivo, CMs experience a gradual increase in the stiffness of their microenvironment, from ∼1 kPa in neonatal heart, to ∼10 kPa for adult heart to ∼50 kPa in fibrotic myocardium (e.g post myocardial infarction). While such mechanical changes have shown to affect CMs behaviour, the role of chronic adaptation over time is often ignored. Here we quantified the evolution of contractile work of CMs over six days. Primary CMs were cultured on substrates of neonatal, adult, and fibrotic myocardium and we measured their contractility using Traction Force Microsocpy (TFM) on days 6, 8, 10, and 12. We observed a gradual increase in contractility in all conditions, suggesting an adaptation mechanism controlling the acute response over longer time scales. To study their electrical response, we used dye-free diffraction imaging. We observed that monolayers on 1 kPa substrates show higher autonomous beating rates, and while substrates with stiffnesses of 10 and 50 kPa show similar beating rates, the monolayers on the 50 kPa substrate have a smaller contraction magnitude. We verified these results with fluorescent imaging of a calcium indicator (FlouO-4). CMs on neonatal stiffness showed significantly faster action potentials (smaller duration) than their counterparts on stiffer substrates. These results indicate the importance of the time-dependent response of CMs to the mechanics of their microenvironment.
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