There are three nonparametric regression approaches, namely, parametric, nonparametric and semi-parametric regression. Nonparametric regression allows the response variable to follow a different curve from one predictor variable to another. In paired data, the components of predictor variable and the response variable are assumed to follow unknown data patterns, so that they can be approximated by a kernel based regression model and Fourier series. The base components are approximated by kernel functions and Fourier series functions. Error is assumed to be normally distributed with zero mean and constant variance. The aim of this research is to make a kernel-based nonparametric regression model and Fourier series on poverty data in the Province of Bali. The research phase method begins with the introduction of the kernel based nonparametric regression model and the Fourier series. The next step is to study the estimation of the regression curve. The function estimation results are highly dependent on the bandwidth, smoothing and oscillation parameters. The resulting model gives a value of R2=0.6278, means that the used variables can explain the model by 62.78 percent. From the obtained modeling re-sults, the Open Unemployment Rate has a positive effect on the percentage of poor people in Bali. Keywords: Nonparametric Regression; Modeling; Kernel; Fourier Series.