In recent years, much attention has been paid not only to the rational extraction of minerals, but also to the ecology of coal-mining regions. Monitoring of man-made landscapes of coal mining enterprises is a topical study from the standpoint of environmental impact of coal mine heaps.
 The impact of coal mining on the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and climate change has become even more relevant with global research on its impact on climate change. All coal basins are characterized by the presence of waste heaps and their significant impact on the soil: the rise of groundwater and the migration of chemical compounds from waste heaps into the soil, the expansion of waste heaps by area. Changes of heaps under the influence of exogenous factors are established. Peculiarities of gas distribution and chemical composition of waste heaps are determined.
 It is expedient to carry out full reclamation on the territory of closed mines, to improve the ecological condition of technogenic-loaded (mining) regions and to give preference to complex ecological-industrial-tourist projects. 
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