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A.4581375–1397 accessA dynamical system approach to the absolute instability of spatially developing localized open flows and media Leonid Brevdo Leonid Brevdo Ecole Supérieure de Mécanique de Marseille, Université de la Méditerranée, IMT–Technopôle de Chôteau–Gombert, F 13451 Marseille Cedex 20, France Google Scholar Find this author on PubMed Search for more papers by this author Leonid Brevdo Leonid Brevdo Ecole Supérieure de Mécanique de Marseille, Université de la Méditerranée, IMT–Technopôle de Chôteau–Gombert, F 13451 Marseille Cedex 20, France Google Scholar Find this author on PubMed Search for more papers by this author Published:08 June 2002 instability of spatially developing localized open flows is analysed by applying the Laplace transform in time to the corresponding initial–value linear stability problem, and treating the resulting boundary–value problem on R for the vector equation Zx(x, ω) = [A(ω) + R(x)]Z(x, ω) + g(x, ω) as a dynamical system. Here Z(x, ω) is the perturbation, x ϵR is the spatial coordinate, ω ϵC is a frequency (and a Laplace transform parameter), and g(x, ω) is the source function. The analysis assumes that the tail matrix R(x) decays faster than any exponential, when x → ±∞. No restriction on the rate of variability of R(x) in the finite domain is imposed. The boundary conditions of decay for Z(x, ω), when x → ±∞, are formulated in terms of two projectors on the subspaces spanned by the eigenvectors and generalized eigenvectors of A(ω) having the eigenvalues with positive and, correspondingly, negative real parts. The boundary–value problem is solved formally, and the dispersion relation function, D1(ω), for the global modes is expressed in terms of the projectors. It is shown that a spatially developing localized flow or medium is absolutely unstable if and only if either the associated uniform state, i.e. the one with R(x) being zero, is absolutely unstable, or D1(ω) = 0 has roots in the upper ω–half–plane, or both. When the associated uniform state is absolutely stable then D1(ω) is analytic in {ω ϵC | Im ω > 0}, the roots of D1(ω) with Im ω > 0 are the contributors to the absolute instability, and, in the analysis of absolute instability of the spatially localized flow, neither a consideration of the complexified physical coordinate nor the concept of saddle point in the complexified physical space is involved. This is in contrast to the currently widely used WKBJ approach to the absolute instability of spatially non–localized flows. We present a practically implementable procedure for analysing spatially developing localized flows on absolute instability, and suggest a frequency selection criterion for such flows with self–sustained oscillations. Previous ArticleNext Article VIEW FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD PDF FiguresRelatedReferencesDetailsCited by Avery M and Scheel A (2022) Universal selection of pulled fronts, Communications of the American Mathematical Society, 10.1090/cams/8, 2:5, (172-231) Brevdo L (2018) Absolute and Convective Instabilities of Semi-bounded Spatially Developing Flows, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 10.1134/S0081543818010029, 300:1, (13-33), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2018. Holzer M and Scheel A (2014) Criteria for Pointwise Growth and Their Role in Invasion Processes, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 10.1007/s00332-014-9202-0, 24:4, (661-709), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2014. 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This Issue08 June 2002Volume 458Issue 2022 Article InformationDOI: by:Royal SocietyPrint ISSN:1364-5021Online ISSN:1471-2946History: Published online08/06/2002Published in print08/06/2002 License: Citations and impact Keywordsfrequency selection mechanismabsolute instabilityglobal discrete and continuous normal modesopen spatially developing localized flows and mediaglobal dispersion relationdynamical system approach