Capillary electrophoresis has been used to measure the free solution mobilities of a series of 26-base pair (bp) DNA oligomers containing two phased A4T1in-tracts embedded in flanking sequences containing 0 to 11 additional AT bps. A random-sequence 26-bp oligomer with 12 isolated AT bps was used as the reference. Mobility ratios (A-tract/reference) were measured in background electrolytes (BGEs) containing mixtures of small monovalent cations and tetrabutylammonium (TBA+ ) or tetrapropylammonium (TPA+ ) ions. The mobility ratios observed in 0.3M TBA+ were >1.00, suggesting that the TBA+ ions had formed electrostatic contact pairs with the AT bp in the reference and in the A-tract flanking sequences, decreasing the mobilities of both oligomers. The TBA-AT pairing interactions could be eliminated by increasing the concentration of small monovalent cations in the BGE. In 0.3M TPA+ , electrostatic contact pairs were formed with the AT bps in the flanking sequences and in the A-tracts. Interestingly, the shapes of the mobility ratio profiles observed for the A4T1in-tract oligomers depended on the total number of A+T residues in the oligomer.
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