INAFOR – International Conference of Indonesia Forestry Researchers - is a big event initiated by Research, Development and Innovation Agency, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, to facilitate the meeting of researchers and forestry experts from Indonesia and other countries, to share experiences and present the latest research results in the field of forestry and environment. INAFOR was held firstly in 2011 in Bogor and since that year it has been being carried out every two years up to the present time.The 6th INAFOR 2021 carries the theme “Greener future: environment, disaster resilience, and climate change” which is the key to a greener future. There are five main topics in this INAFOR 2021, one of them is the 6th INAFOR 2021 Stream 4 with the topic ”Engaging social-economic of environment and forestry, better social welfare”. The implementation of this topic is organized by the Center for Research and Development on Social, Economy, Policy, and Climate Change which currently changes the name to the Center of Standardization of Disaster and Climate Change Instruments.The objectives of the 6th INAFOR 2021 Stream 4 are: a) bringing together forestry and environmental scientists from all over Indonesia, to be internationally recognized, b) providing a forum for exchanging information, ideas, experiences, in several states of forestry and environment research, development, and innovation fields for both national and international scientists, c) building strong network among researchers, forestry and environment research institutes in Indonesia, d) delivering science, technology and innovation as the basis for standard, instrument, and innovative solutions for public, private, people and other stakeholders at national and international levels, e) sharing and formulating new ideas for the advancement of forest and environmental management in Indonesia and supporting global agenda, and f) sharing and collaborating the current trends and knowledge of innovative forest and environment management, as a basis to develop a standardized instruments, and policy for forest and environment sustainability.The 6th INAFOR 2021 Stream 4 was organized by the Center of Standardization of Disaster and Climate Change Instruments, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia on September 8, 2021, virtually through a Zoom platform due to the pandemic of COVID-19. The conference presents five well-known keynote speakers and experts in their fields (Dr. Adam Tyson, Dr. Tetra Yanuariadi, Dr. Amy Duchelle, Dr. Daniel Mendham, and Prof. Dr. Subarudi) and one prominent moderator (Dr. IB Putera Parthama) at the plenary session, and at the presentation session, as many as 43 presenters with diverse expertise present their latest works. The presentations were grouped into three sub-themes: community empowerment, social and institutional construction, and forest economics. The conference was attended by 321 participants from Indonesia and overseas such as Australia and Japan, involving forestry and environment researchers/scientists, academicians, lecturers, foresters, forestry practitioners from private and government, non-government agencies, and other research and development institutions related to forestry and the environment.LIST of COMMITTEES are available in this pdf.