Economic and financial performance of the economy in the boom period 2015-2019. are significantly improved. The average economic growth in Serbia of 3.5% was higher than the average growth in the countries of the region. The key contribution to economic growth was made by investments, and to a lesser extent by the growth of personal consumption. The implemented structural reforms have had a positive impact on basic macroeconomic aggregates and productivity growth. The effects of the implemented fiscal consolidation in the economy of the Republic of Serbia have contributed to the continuous, from year to year, improvement of the macroeconomic and economic balance of the economy, although it should be noted that in 2019 there were signals of slowing down the trend. The fiscal deficit has been balanced since 2017, but the current account deficit remains acute. The trend of balanced public finances and reduction of public and external debt was disrupted in 2020 due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Due to the huge transition gap and peripheral economic status of the entire SEE area, despite the global situation, the implemented structural reforms did not proceed at the desired pace, especially in the segment of solving the problems of large state losers and economic and financial restructuring of public enterprises at all levels. Although the entrepreneurial sector has improved its performance, a number of institutional problems affecting the business environment remain. The structural analysis of the economy showed a continuation of the trend of strengthening the GVA of the service sector, repositioning of key sectors, as well as the trend of strengthening the influence of foreign private companies, which showed better business performance than domestic private companies. Structural reform activities in the coming period should primarily be directed towards creating the most stimulating environment for the development of domestic entrepreneurship and the growth of capital investments.
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