We constructed superalgebraic representation of the algebra of second quantization of spinors. It is a fermionic analog of the Bargmann-Fock representation and is based on the use of the density of Grassmann variables in impulse space and their derivatives. We showed that Dirac matrices and Lorentz transformation generators can be expressed in terms of such densities. Lorentz transformations are considered as Bogolyubov transformations of creation and annihilation operators. We constructed superalgebraic form of the Dirac equation and the vacuum state vector. We showed that in the superalgebraic form of the complex Clifford algebra generators corresponding to Dirac gamma matrices are not equivalent. Clifford vector corresponding to diagonal matrix γ0 annihilates the vacuum, and the remaining ones give nonzero values. This means that there is asymmetric direction corresponding to the time axis.