Tournefortia vasquezii J. S. Miller is described from Cajamarca, Peru. It is a distinctive species with setaceous sepals, 4-6 mm long, and its unusual bullate leaves are unique in the genus. While its relationships within the genus are not clear, it shares its shrubby growth form, setaceous sepals, ovate corolla lobes, and elongate styles with Tournefortia spicata J. S. Miller and T restrepoae J. S. Miller, other understory species of mid-elevation Andean forests. The genus Tournefortia L. occurs throughout the tropics, but is nearly absent in Africa and only sparsely represented in Indian Ocean islands and tropical Asia. The majority of its more than 150 species occur in the Neotropics (Johnston, 1930, 1935a, 1935b; Miller, 1988). South America, particularly the northern Andes, is especially rich in species of Tournefortia. Macbride (1960) recognized 22 species of Tournefortia in the Flora of Peru, Brako (1993) increased that number to 26, and the species described below is another of many narrowly distributed endemics from mid-elevation Andean forests, some of which have been recently described (Miller, 1989, 1995, 1997). The genus has largely been ignored in modern times and only addressed in floristic studies. The most modern treatments available for the South American species are from Johnston (1930, 1935a), neither of which covers the Andes, the center of diversity for the genus. Ellsworth P. Killip (unpublished) prepared a nearly complete manuscript treating the Andean species, several versions of which exist in the Smithsonian Institution, but this was never completed and published. The genus Tournefortia comprises three sections: T sect. Messerschmidia (L.) DC., a group of three unusual species with corky exocarps, T sect. Cyphocyema I. M. Johnston, a group of perhaps a dozen Neotropical species characterized by distinctly four-lobed fruits, and T sect. Tournefortia, a rather homogeneous, pantropical section of more than 100 species. Tournefortia vasquezii J. S. Miller, sp. nov. TYPE: Peru. Cajamarca: San Ignacio Province, San Jose de Lurdes, Santo Tomas, bosque primario, 4?55'S, 78'50'W, elev. 2200 m, 15 jun. 1995, R. Vasquez, C. Diaz & A. Torres 20220 (holotype, MO 4926847). Figure 1. Frutex sciophilus, ramulis pubescentibus. Folia alterna; lamina elliptica, 12-21.5 cm longa, 7-9.8 cm lata, apice acuminata, base cuneata ad acutam margine irregulariter et minute serrulata, bullata, areolis elevatis in trichomis terminantibus; petiolus 4-15 mm longus, supra canaliculatus, pubescens. Inflorescentia terminalis ex cyma dichotoma; pedicelli ca. 0.5 mm longis inter se 1-2 mm distantes. Flos sepalis setaceis 4-6 mm longis; corolla alba, tubuliformis, 6-8 mm longa, lobulis late ovatis, ca. 2 mm longis; antherae lanceoloideae, ca. 2 mm longae; stylus ca. 1.5 mm longus; stigma conoideum. Fructus ignotus. Soft-stemmed understory subshrub 0.3 m tall, the twigs rough and densely pubescent. Leaves alternate; leaf blades elliptic, 12-21.5 X 7-9.8 cm, acuminate at the apex, cuneate to acute at the base, minutely and irregularly serrulate along the margin, the teeth uneven in shape, often ending in a trichome or with an appressed trichome arising from the center of the upper surface of each tooth, the adaxial surface glabrous and smooth along the veins, bullate between the veins, each areole with 1 to 5 raised bullae, each terminating in an appressed to spreading, siliceous hair 0.6-1.2 mm long, the abaxial surface sparsely, but evenly, puberulent, the hairs curved, less than 0.5 mm long, the surface invaginated beneath the raised bullae of the adaxial surface, the venation brochidodromous, the midrib impressed above, the secondary veins 7 to 9; petioles 4-15 mm long, canaliculate on the adaxial surface, rough and densely pubescent. Inflorescence a terminal, once-dichotomously branched cyme, the branches ca. 2 cm long, the peduncle ca. 2 cm long, pubescent. Flowers bisexual, borne 1-2 mm apart on densely pubescent, short pedicels ca. 0.5 mm long; sepals setaceous, + equal in length, 4-6 mm long, with scattered, appressed to spreading curved hairs; corolla white, tubular, 6-8 mm long, sparsely appressed pubescent on the exterior surface, the lobes broadly ovate, ca. 2 mm long, ca. 2 mm wide, crenulate on NovoN 10: 45-47. 2000. This content downloaded from on Sun, 11 Sep 2016 05:09:43 UTC All use subject to