Historically, the study of graded (twisted or otherwise) Calabi–Yau algebras has meant the study of such algebras under an N-grading. In this paper, we propose a suitable definition for a twisted G-graded Calabi–Yau algebra, for G an arbitrary abelian group. Building on the work of Reyes and Rogalski, we show that a G-graded algebra is twisted Calabi–Yau if and only if it is G-graded twisted Calabi–Yau. In the second half of the paper, we prove that localizations of twisted Calabi–Yau algebras at elements which form both left and right denominator sets remain twisted Calabi–Yau. As such, we obtain a large class of Z-graded twisted Calabi–Yau algebras arising as localizations of Artin–Schelter regular algebras. Throughout the paper, we survey a number of concrete examples of G-graded twisted Calabi–Yau algebras, including the Weyl algebras, families of generalized Weyl algebras, and universal enveloping algebras of finite dimensional Lie algebras.
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