ABSTRACT The circular economy, a creative and effective solution to many industrial systems, strives to preserve the environment by wisely using the finite natural resources. While maximising profitability, the production technique proposed in this paper yields commodities with different levels of circularity. Because today’s consumers are more socially conscious of their consumption patterns, the circularity of the products directly affects customer demand as well as gross profit per unit. Many linear and nonlinear forms are employed in the analysis of these effects. Carbon emissions are also a result of the manufacturer’s multiple production-related operations, which include setup, warehousing, and production procedures. The main objective of this effort is to assist the manufacturer in achieving optimal levels of production and circularity while simultaneously safeguarding the environment by reducing carbon emissions through practical operational modifications to determine the production manager’s best tactics that have an effect on the system’s total gross profit. The next step is to analyse the effects of varying the system parameter values on the parameter’s behavioural patterns and the most effective industry management strategies. This study aids electrical equipment producers, such as mobile makers, in determining the optimal circularity level for the manufactured goods, so they may maximise revenues and safeguard the environment.