This work investigates the parallel coherence of plasma filaments through numerical simulations using the hot-ion two-fluid hermes-2 model within the BOUT++ framework. Realistic field lines in the scrape-off layer (SOL) of magnetic fusion devices, especially in stellarator configurations possess a highly varying curvature along the magnetic field line. A varying curvature creates a parallel velocity gradient which might tear the filament apart. The main parameters controlling this process are the collisionality and the electron plasma beta. Simulations of realistic curvature variations along field lines in a circular ASDEX Upgrade-like tokamak and Wendelstein 7-X stellarator (W7-X) show the parallel displacement between different filament sections to correlate with the curvature. The rapidly varying W7-X curvature and the low average curvature drive reduce the propagation of the filament to only a few hundred meters per second. The effect of a finite ion temperature on filament propagation in a W7-X field line geometry is found to be a higher diamagnetic current resulting in stronger charge separation. This work supports simulations and experimental findings that filaments in W7-X are comparably slow due to the large major radius of the device. They do not perform ballistic motion and hence do not drive significant turbulence spreading in the SOL.
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