It is shown that if L is a lattice in which every element has only finitely many predecessors and (∗) every element has no more than k immediate predecessors, for some positive integer k, then |L| ⩽ ℵk−1. An example is constructed in which k = 2 and |L| = ℵ1, but the question of whether |L| = ℵk−1 is possible for k > 2 is left unanswered. The conclusion |L|⩽ℵk−1 also holds if, instead of (∗), we substitute the weaker condition (∗)′: foranysubsetFofk + 1 elementsofL, x ⩽ sup(F⧹{x}) forsomex ∈ F. If, in addition, it is assumed that L satisfies a modularity condition, then it turns out that L must in fact be countable. For sets and set operations, the following results can be stated: if F is a collection of finite sets which is closed under finite union (resp. closed under finite intersection and directed upward) and F has the property that for any k + 1 sets in F, one of the sets is contained in the union (resp. contains the intersection) of the others, then |F| ⩽ ℵk−1. More generally, we show that if L is a join-semilattice in which every element has fewer than ℵλ predecessors and L satisfies (∗)′, then |L| ⩽ ℵλ+k−1. (This turns out to be an application of a result of Erdös and Hajnal on set-mappings.) When ℵλ is regular, an example is constructed in which k = 2 and |L| = ℵλ + 1.
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