The field of rehabilitation counseling is currently experiencing a significant period of uncertainty with multiple challenges and potential changes that will likely have lasting effects related to training, service delivery, and research. One of these changes and challenges is the imminent merger of CORE and CACRER For many reasons, some individuals may regard such a significant change in the profession as exciting and long over due, while others may view the change with extreme skepticism. Regardless, it is important that a sifting and winnowing process be encouraged so that all points of view can be expressed without threats of recrimination. Whatever one's perspective on the merger and its potential implications, a constant is an underlying feeling of uncertainty that often leads to anxiety and rigidity. An examination of our national and world history has consistently shown that during times of uncertainty, when anxiety and fear are at high levels, there is a tendency for individuals and organizations to employ multiple strategies and techniques to control and suppress the dissemination of information, control the message by limiting or eliminating critical analysis, and by detaining or marginalizing individuals and organizations that have discrepant or competing views. It is such times of uncertainty, fear, and anxiety that contributed to the development, acceptance, and continued adherence to the construct and process of FreedomFirst outlined in 1915 through the Declaration of Principles and reaffirmed in 1940 with the Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, academic freedom is not an optional construct to be employed in times of convenience, but instead provides the intellectual foundation and underlying value that guides teaching, research, and expression of scholarly ideas throughout the academy and whose true merit is revealed when there is genuine academic discourse on topics that stretch our values, challenge our views, and press us to think beyond our currently constructed views. The construct of academic freedom has been and must continue to be the standard that guides academic publishing in rehabilitation counseling related journals. Compromising our adherence to this central principle would, not only eliminate the depth and quality of scholarly discussion within the field, but also marginalize and diminish rehabilitation counseling's standing as a scholarly field of study and viable area of practice. Because of the challenging times and potential changes impacting the field, we feel that now is an appropriate time to reaffirm our commitment to the principles of academic freedom as they relate to submission, review, and publication of scholarly works in our rehabilitation counseling journals. As mentioned before, academic freedom has application to all phases of work in the academy including teaching, tenure, and promotion. …