A child learns to write in the fi rst grade or in kindergarten preparatory groups. It is important to know why most children write poorly. Purpose is to fi nd out what happens in the inner world of a child when learning to write: why are the rules of writing acquired easily, quickly and well by one child, and hard, long and badly by another? Expert analysis shows that writing is a complex type of intellectual activity. Writing skills are formed during primary school education, being a kind of motor skill for mastering the shape of letters, the speed of writing. Russian writing is of sound-letter type. The basic unit of study is writing graphic elements of letters. The letter and the sound often do not match. Causes of diffi culties are that the arm gets tired quickly, the work line is lost, the incorrect spelling occurs, the concepts of “left”; “right”; “page” etc. do not differ. The student’s hand is not ready for writing due to the weakness of fi ne motor skills of the fi ngers, insuffi - ciently formed visual-motor coordination and abilities: arbitrary attention, visual and auditory perception, visual and auditory memory, ideas, thinking, will, self-control, speech. Learning hours assigned to form writing skills is insuffi cient. It is being reduced due to the introduction of remote training. The structure of graphic writing skill includes different representations: auditory, articulatory, visual, kinesthetic and motor. Hearing, speech, sight and hand are included in the fi nal act of writing in different ways. Gorfunkel, Guryanov, talk about the graphic norms of writing, about the types of mistakes when writing words; Luria, Bezrukikh about analysis; Bezrukikh about the importance of posture and pauses when writing. Conclusion. We need a scientifi cally based methodology for teaching writing to right-handed and left-handed children.
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