The article presents the results of 6-year experi-mental studies to identify the varietal reaction of table and wine grapevine grades on systematic use of foliar top dressing with special complex fertilizers of various compositions. One-factor field experiments were carried out in fruit-bearing industrial vine plantations of the Black Sea (Abrau-Durso LLC, Novorossiysk) and Anapa-Taman (Temryuksky district, Vysheste-blievskaya station) viticulture zones of the Kras-nodar Territory. The object of the study was technical (Merlot, Chardonnay) and table (Au-gustine, Moldova) grapevine varieties. The set-ting and conducting of experimental studies were based on the recommended methodological manuals adopted in viticulture. As a result of the conducted studies, the positive effect of foliar top dressing on the main productivity indicators of all studied grapevine varieties (fruiting coeffi-cient, number and mass of bunches) was re-vealed. The advantage of the systematic use of organomineral fertilizer Maxifol of various brands is determined by the indicator of the number of fertile shoots per bush in the varieties Chardonnay and Augustine. The effectiveness of the humic preparation "Norm L" was revealed in Merlot, Augustine, Moldova varieties. Special complex fertilizers of various compositions used in vine plantations provided a total increase in yield in experiment No. 1 in the amount of 13.9 t/ha (Merlot variety) and 11.6 t/ha (Char-donnay variety) in 2016–2021; in experiment No. 2 – 29.9 t/ha (Augustine variety) and 27.0 t/ha (variety Moldova).
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