The state of charge of a battery depends on many magnitudes, but only voltage and intensity are included in mathematical equations because other variables are complex to integrate into. The contribution of this work was to obtain a model to determine the state of charge with these complex variables. This method was developed considering four models, the multilayer feed-forward backpropagation models of two and three input variables used supervised training, with the variable-learning-rate backpropagation training function, five and seven neurons in the hidden layer, respectively, achieving an optimal training. Meanwhile, the radial basis neural network models of two and three input variables were trained with the hybrid method, the propagation constant with a value of 1 and 80 neurons in the hidden layer. As a result, the radial basis neural network with the variable-learning-rate training function, considering the discharge temperature, was the one with the best performance, with a correlation coefficient of 0.99182 and a confidence interval of 95% (0.98849; 0.99516). It is then concluded that artificial neural networks have high performance when modeling nonlinear systems, whose parameters are difficult to measure with time variation, so estimating them in formulas where they are omitted is no longer necessary, which means an accurate SOC.
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