THE New Year Honours List includes the following names of scientific workers and others associated with scientific work: Baron: Sir Thomas Horder, Bt., senior physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Knight of the Thistle: The Right Honourable Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bt., chairman of the Boyal Commission on Scottish Historical Monuments, president of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1900–13. K.C.B.: Sir Frederick Leith-Boss, chief economic adviser to His Majesty's Government. K.C.I.E.: Major-General J. W. D. Megaw, Director-General of the Indian Medical Service. K.C.V.O.: Mr. F. J. Willans, surgeon apothecary to H.M. Household at Sandringham. Knights: Mr. C. A. Cochrane, chairman of the Council of Armstrong College, University of Durham. Mr. H. H. Dalrymple-Hay, consulting engineer, for his inventions and services in connexion with the construction of tube railways. Prof. F. T. G. Hobday, Principal and Dean of the Boyal Veterinary College. Mr. A. J. C. Huddleston, lately economic adviser to the Sudan Government. Mr. J. L. McKelvey, for services to surgery in the Commonwealth of Australia. Mr. E. B. D. Maclagan, Director and Secretary, Victoria and Albert Museum. Mr. W. Perry, president of the Royal Agricultural Society, New Zealand. Mr. B. S. Rait, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Glasgow since 1929. C.H.: Bev. John Scott Lidgett, president of the Methodist Church, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London in 1930–31 and 1931–32. C.M.G.: Dr. J. J. C. Bradfield, Government engineer, Sydney Harbour Bridge, State of New South Wales. Prof. D. B. Copland, professor of commerce, University of Melbourne. Mr. L. Ennis, constructing engineer for Messrs. Dorman, Long and Co., Sydney Harbour Bridge, New South Wales. Mr. W. B. Johnson, director of Medical and Sanitary Service, Nigeria. Mr. W. J. U. Woolcock, formerly general manager of the Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, chairman of the Committee of Non-official Advisers associated with the industrial advisers of the United Kingdom delegation at the Ottawa Conference. C.I.E.: MajorGen. W. C. H. Forster, Surgeon-General with the Government of Bombay. Lieut.-Col. R. B. Seymour Sewell, director of the Zoological Survey of India. Mr. C. G. Trevor, chief conservator of forests, Punjab and North-West Frontier Province. Col. J. N. Walker, director of the Medical Department and Sanitary Commissioner, his Exalted Highness the Nizam's Government, Hyderabad, Deccan. C.B.E.: Mrs. Alice Baker, one of the founders of the Thomas Baker, Alice Baker, and Eleanor Shaw Medical Besearch Institute, Melbourne, Commonwealth of Australia. Dr. F. H. A. Marshall, reader in agricultural physiology in the University of Cambridge. Dr. S. W. Smith, chief assayer, Boyal Mint, and president of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Dr. H. A. Tempany, director of agriculture, Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. Prof. H. E. Whitfeld, Vice-Chancellor of the University, State of Western Australia. O.B.E.: Dr. J. T. Bradley, chief medical officer, Seychelles. Mr. A. V. Elsden, War Department chemist, Boyal Arsenal, Woolwich. Mr. A. McCallum, senior inspector for agricultural education, Department of Agriculture for Scotland. Mitharam Pribhdas Mathrani, executive engineer, Left Works Division, Lloyd Barrage Circle, Sukkur, Bombay. Dr. S. A. Neave, assistant director, Imperial Institute of Entomology. Mr. J. Smith, director of animal health and acting secretary for agriculture, Northern Bhodesia. Mr. H. W. O. Taylor, executive engineer, Bight Works Division, Lloyd Barrage Circle, Sukkur, Bombay. Mr. B. S. Taylor, principal medical officer, Somaliland Protectorate. M.B.E.: Mr. J. Coelho, assistant Crown surveyor and assistant engineer, Public Works Department, Gibraltar. Mr. W. M. Schutte, agricultural engineer to the Government of Bombay. Mr. H. N. Williams, assistant engineer, Irrigation Department, Iraq.