The evolution of normal fault arrays during rift extension reflects paleo-plate boundary conditions and lithospheric rheology, while controlling seismic hazard and the distribution of basin-hosted resources. Yet, constraining their spatiotemporal development is challenging, particularly where geophysical and subsurface data are absent. Here, we test footwall exhumation modelling using thermochronology as a means of elucidating 4D normal fault array evolution, using the Miocene Central Basin of the Malawi Rift as a natural laboratory. Along-strike trends in exhumational cooling recorded by vertical transects of apatite fission-track and (U–Th)/He data from the basin-bounding Usisya fault scarp reveal a diachronous footwall uplift history that closely reflects 4D trends in hangingwall subsidence recorded by previously published seismic and well data. Initially, pronounced footwall exhumation is restricted to the centres of a series of four isolated normal faults, mirroring the distribution of early syn-rift depocentres. The later onset of footwall exhumation in the intervening areas marks subsequent fault segment propagation and linkage as they formed the through-going Usisya fault system. Elsewhere, cumulative exhumation recorded in the Usisya footwall remains low, coinciding with more significant intra-basinal faulting. This study shows that footwall exhumation modelling constrained by thermochronologic data can reveal the spatiotemporal evolution and strain partitioning within normal fault arrays.
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