This paper deals with the modeling, analysis, and measurement of a Small scale fading (SSF) mobile radio channel. The physics of SSF are first reviewed to reveal the generating mechanisms of channel selectivity. A stochastic channel model is then derived as a function of time, antenna array displacement and frequency, which falls in the category of tapped delay line model. Specifically, the taps can be represented as a combination of a possible line of sight or dominant reflected path and a Gaussian distributed component comprised of unresolvable scattered paths. After that, general analytical solutions are provided for the 3D temporal-spectral-spatial correlations of SSF via the exploitation of channel statistical properties. We show that this function can be expressed as the product of three low order temporal, spectral and spatial correlations individually under appropriate assumptions on the associated wireless propagation environment. This will definitely facilitate the derivations of the closed form expression regarding the correlation function of SSF. From engineering perspective, this analysis can be utilized to develop network correlation maps for example. Finally, out field measurement results verify the validity of our theoretical analysis.