The research investigated the biopreservative efficacy of some common spices sold in dakingari market as substitutes for chemical preservatives on hot-break locally processed tomato paste (Platinum 7 F1 variety). After concentration, the paste was divided into thirty one (31) portions labeled A–O2. The spices were added to tomato paste in the following proportion of ginger; garlic; onion; pepper; ginger and garlic; ginger and onion; ginger and pepper; garlic and onion; garlic and pepper; onion and pepper; ginger, garlic and onion; ginger, garlic and pepper; garlic, onion and pepper; onion, pepper and ginger; ginger, garlic, onion and pepper 3 and 5 percent. Each mixture (450g) was evenly homogenized, filled up into air-tight Mayonnaise jars and stored at room temperature over a period of 9 weeks. Pure cultures were obtained from distinct colonies by repeating streaking on fresh agar plates and subjected to microscopic examination and biochemical tests such as Gram staining. Microbial examination and yeast counts of the samples were enumerated on a weekly basis while the pure microbial isolates were identified. Results showed that those without fungi growth are; Sample G (ginger and onion), Sample O (onion, pepper and ginger), Sample D (onion), Sample E (pepper), Sample M (ginger, garlic and pepper) and Sample L (ginger, garlic and onion), Sample I (garlic and onion) (3 and 5%). The microorganisms were identified as organism: Rhizopus orazae, Penicillium citrinum, Aspergillus micronesiensis, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger , Phoma multristrata, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis, Leuconostoc mensenteroides, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus fermentum. The study concluded only Sample D (onion) and Sample N (garlic, onion and pepper) that has no bacteria growth (3 and 5%).The study concluded that combined samples with combination of garlic or ginger (3 and 5%) suitably preserved tomato paste for 9 weeks without deterioration. The use of natural products such as ginger, onion and garlic as natural preservatives could significantly improve tomato utilization in household production in Dakingari and Nigeria at large where refrigeration is greatly hampered by erratic power supply. Further investigation for other biopreservatives is recommended to ascertain the safety consumption of tomato paste of the people in the study area and the need to look into more new natural bio-preservatives which can promote human health besides acting as food preservative.
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