Species ranges are forecast to change in response to warming temperatures and altered precipitation patterns, yet tree migration rates fail to track the pace of climate change. In anticipation of these changes, various forest adaptation management strategies have been broadly proposed, including intentionally modifying species composition via assisted migration of future climate adapted species. Despite the potential utility of these adaptation measures, practical evaluations are limited, particularly those applied to meet other ecological objectives such as supporting vulnerable, underrepresented, or degraded populations of foundational species. In this study, we examined the 4-year seedling survival and morpho-physiological response of American chestnut (Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh.; n = 959 seeds sown), a functionally extirpated species. American chestnuts were grown within sixteen replicated 0.1 and 0.4 ha harvest gaps as part of a 160 ha co-developed (manager-scientist designed), operational-scale silvicultural trial (conditions of sufficient scope to be representative of commercial forest operations) in a northern-hardwood forest in the northeastern US. Chestnut restoration and migration potential (e.g., survival, absolute and relative growth rates, photosynthetic capacity) was assessed against the biophysical controls exerted on seedlings (e.g., understory competition, injury associated with browse and extreme cold winter temperatures) and in comparison to seedlings planted from eight other tree species (n = 480 planted per species) identified for assisted migration. Our results show the performance of American chestnut seedlings is controlled by the strength of local competition (odds of survival increased 2.6 times between four understory competition classes, p < 0.001) and cumulative winter shoot injury (relative growth in aboveground biomass adjusted for injury R2 = -0.85, p < 0.001) associated with cold intolerance likely linked to northward movement of chestnut seedlings transferred outside of their parental range. Still, the combined survival-growth response for American chestnuts ranked among the highest (2nd out of 6 possible rankings) relative to the other species tested, and even outperformed other comparable assisted migration species introduced from outside of their parental range. The implications of these findings highlight the potential for American chestnut plantings to be incorporated within both restoration and broader climate adaptation frameworks. Despite these promising outcomes, important biophysical (e.g., vegetative competition, harvest treatment, and variability in insulative snowpack) and climatic barriers for the reestablishment of this species remain. Given the paucity of reproductively viable American chestnuts or disease resistant breeding programs along northern range limits, this may generate a reliance on plant material obtained from outside of historically recognized safe transfer distances; however, increasingly shifting climate and species ranges may lead to better climate matches in the long term. Nevertheless, the broader applicability of this work illustrates the potential for cultural and ecological keystone species restoration efforts to be incorporated within climate adaptation frameworks to assist in the establishment of compositionally diverse and future climate-adapted forests.
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