Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIEd) is reshaping not only the educational landscape but also potentially influencing the motivations of aspiring teachers. This paper explores whether considerations related to AIEd play a role in student teachers' decision to become teachers. For this aim, the study introduces a new AI subscale within the (D)FIT-Choice scale's Social Utility Value (SUV) factor and validates its effectiveness with a sample of 183 student teachers. Descriptive statistics reveal high mean scores for traditional motivators like Intrinsic Value Teaching, while AI-related factors, although considered, exhibit lower influence. A noticeable disconnection exists between digital motivations and the aspiration to shape the future, suggesting a potential gap in student teachers' understanding of digitalization's future impact. An extreme group analysis reveals a subset of student teachers who significantly consider AI. This group also gives value to Job Security and Make a Social Contribution, suggesting an awareness of AI's societal and professional impacts. Based on these findings, it is recommended to put a focus on teacher education programs to ensure student teachers' understanding of the impact of AI on education and society.