Impaction of teeth is more common and widespread. Multiple impacted permanent teeth are usuallyrelated to syndromes, metabolic and hormonal disorders. However, in non-syndromic cases impaction ofmultiple teeth is rare. In this report, a case of A 23-years-old male patient with missing upper front teethand irregularly placed lower front teeth, difficulty in speech and mastication. physical examination wasnot suggestive of any syndromes. On Extraoral examination the patient presented with a concave profile,competent lips, shallow Mento-labial sulcus. On clinical and radiographic examination revealed Angle’sclass III malocclusion on class III skeletal base, with impacted 13,12,11 and 24, anterior cross bite, rotationof 32,33,35,42,44, and horizontal growth pattern. Extraction of supernumerary teeth was carried out in allthe quadrants and PEA 0.22 ROTH appliance was used to align the arches. Bi-jaw surgery with mandibularset back with bilateral split sagittal osteotomy and maxillary advancement with Le Fort I was done to attainideal overjet and overbite.The objective of this report is to increase awareness of such cases especially in the absence of hereditary/genetic/metabolic factors usually inherent in such scenarios. The patient management in such cases needs tobe planned all with all multidisciplinary approach.
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