BACKGROUND: Eczema of the hands and feet is one of the commonest conditions encountered in dermatologic practice affecting 1% of adults. The patch test is the only scientific proof of contact allergy, a positive reaction to a correctly prepared and applied patch test confirms the person has allergic contact sensitivity. There are not much studies done on the patterns of lower leg and foot eczema's especially from India. Hence this study tries to determine the patterns of lower leg and foot eczema and also to evaluate the common allergens by patch testing. The aim of this study is: To determine the pattern of lower leg and foot eczema. Confirm the common allergens responsible by patch testing using Indian Standard Series. METHODS: A prospective clinical study was done comprising of 50 clinically suspected cases of lower leg and foot eczema for a period of 2 years from September 2008 to September 2010. The study included 32 males and 18 females. An informed consent was obtained from all the patients and detailed history with particular emphasis on age of onset, site of initial lesion, extent of dermatitis, seasonal variation, aggravating factors and association with atopy were noted. RESULTS: Mean age of 50 patients in this study was 44.52 years with a standard deviation of 15.8 (range 7 - 70 years). The most common age group affected was 46- 60 years (40%), followed by 31-45 years (30%). 32 cases (64%) were males and 18 cases (36%) were females with a male to female ratio of 1.78: 1.0. Out of 50 cases, 23 patients (46%) showed positive patch test result to at least a single allergen. To the 26 allergens in Indian standard series tested, around 19 allergens were found to be positive. Some were having positivity to multiple allergens, giving a total of 51 positive results. Out of which 46 were relevant (90.20%) against which only 5 cases were non-relevant (9.80%) according to the history.
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