The crossing of potential energy surfaces (and the flow of nuclear wave function amplitudes between them) becomes important in many different contexts in chemical physics. Photochemical processes often involve dynamics on surfaces that cross (or can be made to cross in an appropriate diabatic representation). Photophysical processes involving radiationless transitions between different Born-Oppenheimer potential energy surfaces are extremely common. Finally, once we “dress” an initial potential energy surface with the energy of a photon, radiative processes involving absorption or emission of a photon are also seen to involve transitions between crossing or closelying potential energy surfaces. Some years ago, Tully and Preston 1 introduced an approach for approximate treatment of dynamics at regions of close-lying potential energy surfaces. In many subsequent trials and refinements, it has proved a worthy computational tool, simple to implement and also very intuitive. The “surface hopping” method has its roots in the Landau-Zener theory 2 but goes beyond it in dealing with multiple crossings and with many degrees of freedom. Related theories include the exponential energy gap law of radiationless transitions 3 and the exponential momentum gap law of Ewing 4 for vibrational predissociation (in which a highfrequency vibrational mode plays the role of the electronic state, relative to a low-frequency van der Waals mode). In these studies, considerable effort has been devoted to developing new intuition for nonclassical Franck-Condon factors. The emphasis has been on the mode competition problem and the overall dependence of rates on the energy or quantum number gaps. Our emphasis is instead directly on the features of the potential energy surfaces, which control the Franck-Condon factors, which in turn control the rates. The fundamental idea that permits a classical treatment of surface hopping is contained in the Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg model, 2 which shows that the hops from one surface to another are localized to the region where the surfaces cross or almost cross. For weak coupling, the probability for hopping is given in terms of the overall coupling, W, between the surfaces, the difference in slopes, j¢F┴j, normal to the intersection of the two potentials at the crossing, and the speed, p┴/m, with which the trajectory goes through the crossing region:
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