Small-angle neutron scattering experiments have been performed on single crystals of nickel using the diffractometer D11 at the Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble. The correlation length zeta of the critical spin fluctuations and the static susceptibility xi have been measured for reduced temperatures 10-6<or= tau =(T-Tc)/Tc<or=10-2 with Tc approximately=630K. Uniaxial compressive and tensile stress could be applied to the sample as external and variable anisotropy parameters. The results show the expected decrease of the values of the critical exponents gamma and nu along the induced easy magnetic directions as well as the finite size of the fluctuations for Tc from T along the hard directions, below the cross-over temperature. An analysis of the scattered intensities in the two-dimensional multidetector plane gives information on the influence of crystalline and stress anisotropy on the critical fluctuations at small reduced temperatures above Tc.
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