It is a well-known result by Hanany and Witten that, when two five-branes move across each other, D3-branes stretching between them are generated. Later the same brane configurations played a crucial role in understanding the worldvolume theory of multiple M2-branes. Recently the partition function of multiple M2-branes was transformed to the Fredholm determinant for quantum algebraic curves, where the characteristic 3/2 power law of degrees of freedom is reproduced and the determinant enjoys large symmetries given by exceptional Weyl groups. The large exceptional Weyl group reproduces the Hanany-Witten brane transitions and, besides, contains brane transitions unknown previously. Aiming at understanding the new brane transitions better, we generalize our previous study on the D5 quantum curve to the E7 case, which requires delicate handling of degeneracies. By combining the results of these two cases, we propose a “local” rule for the brane transitions.
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