On Saturday, October 12, 1991, faced with Professor Anita Hill's testimony from previous day alleging that Judge Clarence Thomas had sexually harassed her, Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming transformed sensational political melodrama into Shakespearean tragedy in an attempt to save judge's nomination. During final round of committee's questioning of Thomas, Simpson declared, chorus-like:I tell you I do [think] Shakespeare would love this. This is all Shakespeare. This is about love and hate and cheating and distrust and kindness and disgust and avarice and jealousy and envy--all those things that make that remarkable bard read today. But, boy, I tell you one came to my head and I just went and got it out of back of book, Othello. Read Othello and don't ever forget this line. Good name in man and woman dear, my Lord--remember this scene--is immediate jewel of their souls. Who steals my purse steals trash; T'is [sic] something, nothing; T'was [sic] mine, t'is [sic] his and has been slave to thousands. But he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him and makes me poor indeed. What tragedy! What disgusting tragedy! (Phelps and Winternitz 355)(1)Those unfamiliar with Othello text undoubtedly accepted quotation at face value because of Thomas's lengthy lamentations on loss of his reputation. Familiarity with Othello, on other hand, led some to view Simpson's allusion with amused contempt because lines he quoted belong not to Othello but to Iago, who elsewhere says, Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit and lost without deserving (II.iii. 268-70). If Simpson blundered, what was his initial purpose? Had he sent staffer to look up entries under reputation in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations and picked this one because Othello was black?(2) Whom did he consider his audience? Surely, Simpson did not mean to draw an analogy between Thomas and enraged Othello who kills his white wife out of jealousy, especially since behind enraged Thomas sat his white wife.At time, Simpson's Othello allusion received scant notice in New York Times, where Maureen Dowd reported it without analyzing its purpose (29). In retrospective accounts, Othello appropriation was overlooked by contributors to Race-ing Justice, En-gendering Power Essays on Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, and Construction of Social Reality (1992) and by David Brock in The Real Anita Hill: The Untold Story (1993), latest attempt to delve into Hill's motivation. In two 1991 articles in The New Republic, however, Simpson's declaration became subject to derision along with other examples of misuse of literary allusion by committee members.(3) Barry Edelstein termed Simpson's recourse to Othello...incongruous since Iago, who speaks lines, is a white man who, although supposedly on Othello's side, plots to bring him down and eventually destroys him. Edelstein found it wonder [that] Judge Thomas, along with every other literate American, sat there silent (13).(4) Robert Brustein also complained that words quoted are uttered by dissimulating villain Iago, who is stonewalling. He added that Thomas, vigorously nodding in agreement...offered no protest or correction (34). Additionally, in Capitol Games (1992), authors Phelps and Winternitz reported:Thomas seemed to wince as Simpson spoke. The parallels to Thomas were perfect, and completely misunderstood by Simpson. The lines that senator quoted were not those of Othello, black tragic hero of play, but of Iago, scheming villain, who was falsely trying to convince Othello that he was telling truth. (355)(5)Although they do not reveal their reasons, Phelps and Winternitz seem correct in saying that the parallels to Thomas were perfect. Despite his seeming misappropriation of Shakespeare in feeble bid to lend sympathy and tragic stature for Thomas, Simpson is not literary simpleton he appeared. …
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