Our aim is to construct new examples of totally ordered and ∗-ordered noncommutative integral domains. We will discuss the following classes of rings: enveloping algebras U(L), group rings \(\Bbbk\)G and smash products U(L)\(\# _{\varphi } \Bbbk\)G. All of them are examples of Hopf algebras. Characterizations of orderability for enveloping algebras and group rings and of ∗-orderability for enveloping algebras have been found before and will be recalled in the article. Our main results are: for \(\Bbbk = \mathbb{R}\) and L finite–dimensional, we characterize the orderability of U(L)\(\# _{\varphi } \Bbbk\)G; for \(\Bbbk = \mathbb{C}\), we give a necessary and a sufficient condition for ∗-orderability of \(\Bbbk\)G (G orderable, respectively, G residually ‘torsion-free nilpotent’). Moreover, for \(\Bbbk = \mathbb{C}\) and L finite-dimensional, we reduce the problem of characterizing the ∗-orderability of U(L)\(\# _{\varphi } \Bbbk\)G to the problem of characterizing the ∗-orderability of \(\Bbbk\)G. The latter remains open.