The article considers the determination of visits as an important criterion for event management. Concepts, theoretical methods and bases of application of methods of determination of visits of events are often considered by domestic and foreign scientists that testify to necessity of the decision of various tasks in this context. It is important to determinate such criterions as average length of stay, average number of visitors, relative length of stay, coefficient of visitors, coefficient of variation, peak number of visitors, average number of visitors, space capacity. This allows event management units and business leaders to adjust the resources, procedures, indicators, standards, etc., necessary for more effective implementation of event activities. Criteria for forecasting the number of event visitors have been developed. Correctly determining the number of guests is important due to the fact that empty rooms are as critical to the perception of the event as long queues. A large number of participants are necessary for financial success, but exceeding the permissible capacity is fraught with various risks and problems. The importance of such attendance indicators was determined as: average length of stay, average number of visitors, relative length of stay, visitor rate, variation rate, peak occupancy, average occupancy and possession. This allows event management stakeholders and business managers to set up the resources, procedures, indicators, standards, etc., necessary for more effective implementation of events. In the case of a long or prolonged event, certain components of the event, days or places of their holding can be evaluated according to these criteria. Thanks to this, the main "centers of attraction" (areas with a high number of visitors) and "bottlenecks" (areas with a high degree of capacity utilization) are distinguished.
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