Simple and rapid techniques are needed for routine quantitative chemical bulk-rock analyses of Kupferschiefer, a black shale containing variable amounts of silicates, base metal sulphides, carbonates and an organic content of up to 30 weight percent. In this study, WD-XRF, TXRF, and ICP-OES of acid- as well as peroxide-digested samples were tested as potential techniques based on their availability and adaptability to analyse major (Si, Ti, Al, Mg, Ca, Fe, K, but also Cu, Zn, Pb) and selected trace (Ag, As, Ba, Co, Mo, Ni, V) element concentrations. Because of the absence of a suitable reference material, a comparative study was undertaken using instrumental neutron activation analysis to ascertain the accuracy of different approaches. Our results suggest that data from ICP-OES were much higher in accuracy compared to INAA than those from WD-XRF and TXRF, independent of the digestion procedure. The choice of digestion procedure is reflected in low detection limits but an underestimation of Cu, Ag, Co, and V concentrations reported by ICP-OES relative to those obtained by INAA in the case of acid digestion and increased detection limits coupled with a loss of over 25% Ag relative to INAA for peroxide digestion. Supplementary material: Geochemical data, list of irradiation times and measured isotopes can be found at
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