Abstract A preliminary investigation was made to determine the time required to attainequilibrium within the equilibrium cell for this system. Experimental and smoothed data are presented for the solubility of ethane inwater for temperatures of 100', 160', 220', 280' and 340'F at pressures to10,000 psia. The minimum solubility phenomenon disappears at 10,000 psia within thistemperature range. As a continuation of the investigation of the behavior of hydrocarbon-watersystems, the experimental data on the solubility of ethane in water have beenextended to 10,000 psia. The experimental apparatus, technique, materials, andanalytical methods are essentially the same as previously reported. Time-Concentration Study Prior to the initial determinations of solubility in the ethane-water system, it was desired to establish the time necessary to agitate the liquid and vapor at equilibrium temperature andpressure in order to have equilibrium between the phases. This was done bybringing the equilibrium cell to the equilibrium temperature, charging it withethane to a pressure of 800 psia, and then charging with water to a pressurewhich was the same for each time-solubility determination. The temperature ofthe determinations was 100'F and the pressure, having been 6,330 psia for thefirst determination, was maintained at this same value on each subsequentdetermination. When the water was charged to the equilibrium cell, the celltemperature departed from 100'F and a period of time averaging about 40 minuteshad to elapse before the cell came back to equilibrium temperature. During thistime, the cell and its contents were not agitated. When the system had returnedto equilibrium temperature, agitation was started and timing was begun. Theresults of the time-solubility determinations are given in Table I. Readingdown a column in Table I, the figures represent respectively: the time ofagitation for the particular run; the time at which water was charged to thecell, taken as zero; the time elapsing after charging the water and until thecell returned to equilibrium temperature where agitation was begun; the hoursrelative to zero time elapsing before agitation was stopped; and the solubilitydetermined for the particular run. Since the ethane and water were in contactduring the period when the temperature was returning to the equilibriumtemperature, the time measured against the solubility values determined is nota true measure. Considerable diffusion undoubtedly occurred under the pressuresinvolved; however, the technique used was necessary in view of the fact thatfor the shorter runs, the system may not have been at equilibrium temperaturewhen the desired time had elapsed. From Table I it may be seen that equilibriumwas attained within one hour after agitation was begun. T.P. 2932