The reproductive features of equine leptospirosis are often neglected. Equine genital leptospirosis is characterized as a silent chronic syndrome, and besides abortions, leads to placental abnormalities, stillbirths, and birth of weak foals. This study aimed to study the occurrence of placental abnormalities associated with Leptospira interrogans infection in naturally infected mares under field conditions. The studied herd had a high occurrence of placentitis and abortions. Ten pregnant mares, eight with placental abnormalities on ultrasonography and were selected. Serum and cervicovaginal mucus (CVM) samples were collected for serology and PCR, respectively. Positive samples in lipL32-PCR were submitted to the sequencing of the secY gene. In lipL32-PCR of CVM, five out of 10 (50%) mares were positive and all were characterized as Leptospira interrogans. Our results highlight the presence of placental abnormalities in the reproductive subclinical leptospirosis syndrome. We encourage field veterinarians to include leptospirosis testing in their reproductive management.