Since the opening of European electricity markets, companies are launching green electricity products. In Switzerland the privately initiated eco-label “naturemade star” ensures the environmental and ecological quality of electricity from renewable energy sources on a local scale and from a life cycle perspective. For the life cycle perspective, a simplified and partly site-specific life cycle assessment (LCA) is applied using the Eco-indicator 99 (Hierachist perspective) impact assessment method. In a first step, detailed LCAs case studies are made for power plants and technologies that are candidates for the „naturemade star“ label. They allow identifying technology-specific parameters that dominate the outcome of the LCA and for which data are available for the owner or operator of the power plant at issue. Based on this knowledge, key parameter models for photovoltaic, wind and hydroelectric power and electricity from biogas have been established on a spreadsheet-basis. With the help of the parameter models, operators of power plants can carry out the required LCA within a few hours. At the same time, they can check whether the plant fulfils the “naturemade star” threshold or not, which has been set to 50% of the environmental impact of a gas combined cycle power plant. Within a few months since the introduction of the labelling scheme, companies successfully applied the parameter models on nearly 50 photovoltaic and on several hydroelectric power plants. LCA is, in combination with other tools, a useful method for the definition of standards for environmental labelling of green electricity. Introduction Since the opening of European electricity markets, companies are launching so called “green” electricity products. Therefore, in several countries different criteria exist how to define and label “green electricity”, as the product itself has no specific green characteristics. In Switzerland, the privately initiated eco-label “naturemade star” ensures the environmental and ecological quality of electricity from renewable energy sources on a local and regional scale as well as from a life cycle perspective. Method Global and local criteria are used within the certification scheme for electricity from renewable resources with the level naturemade star. Local criteria are specific for every type of electricity production. Hydro power plants, i.e. have to fulfil certain ecological criteria for the amount of by-passed water. The global criterion, with one threshold for all systems, is based on life cycle assessment (LCA) case studies. Fig. 1 shows the decision tree for the labelling of electricity and the role of LCA in this scheme. A second, less stringent label is naturemade basic that is used for all types of electricity production with the main criterion that it is based on renewable energy carriers. 1 See information for the “Verein fur Umweltgerechte Elektrizitat (VUE)” (Association for environmental sound electricity) on for details. The association is formed by representatives of electricity companies and environmental NGO’s. Key parameter models 2 local critera fulfilled? global criteron fulfilled? Data input: Plant parameters LCI data & impact assessment methods Ecoindicator 99 Points (H) Examination of plant-specific, local criteria