Until today, it was known that carbonites developed in the form of magmatic origin intrusions, carbonatite dykes, pegmatitic, heads, stocks, veins and lenses, which are rarely seen in nature. However, as a result of our research (field, petrography, mineralogy etc.), it was determined that carbonatites are definitely not magmatic in origin. On the contrary, carbonatites are formed from pure-impure carbonate/limestones with different units of metamorphic, rootless, primary source rocks derived in solid phase and in-situ within the regional dynamo-thermal Tarhan metamorphism cycle. Within the regional dynamothermal Tarhan metamorphism cycle, different age, environment and origin primary rock units (cosmic upper mantle peridotites, terrestrial magmatic rock series/ocean crust series/ophiolite series, volcanosedimentary series, different volcanic and different sedimentary rocks etc.) were enriched and dominated by granite mineralogical rock-forming main-secondary-trace crystalloblast neominerals and were formed, metamorphic origin, rootless leucocratoblastic metablastic rock series and their derivatives / metablastites / metablastic rocks (known as granite/granitoid, gabbro/gabbroid, diorite/dioritoid, charnockite/charnockite and carbonatite/carbonatoid intrusion, pluton and batholith type magmatic origin plutonic/plutonic rocks) were determined to be a type of new modern metamorphic rock. For this reason, it has been determined and suggested that carbonatoblastic rock series and their derivatives / carbonatoblastites / carbonatoblastic rocks are a type of metablastic rocks with different primary rocks. Carbonatoblastites (known as carbonatites of magmatic origin, rarely seen in nature); developed in the second and last stage of the regional dynamothermal Tarhan metamorphism cycle, and developed in the changing physical conditions (P/T) of the facies and sub-facies of Abukuma type reversed regional regressive dynamothermal metamorphism, where temperatures are effective compared to pressures (T>P, T: Temperature; P: Pressure; Temperatures put their stamp/seal on metamorphism). They are derived from the pure and impure carbonate/limestones, which are the primary source rock units, and the pure and impure marbles, which are the metamorphic equivalents of the regional progressive dynamothermal metamorphism of the Barrow type, where the pressures are effective in proportion to the temperatures developed in the first phase of the regional dynamothermal Tarhan metamorphism cycle of the primary source rock units (P/T, pressures put their stamp on the metamorphism), in solid phase and in situ from the mentioned rock units. Carbonatoblastites are metamorphic equivalents of pure-impure carbonate/limestones with different primary source rocks, metamorphic origin, rootless, new type of metamorphic rocks, modern metablastic rock series and their derivatives / metablastites / metablastic rocks (known as granite/granitoid, gabbro/gabbroid, diorite/dioritoid, charnockite/charnockite, carbonatite/carbonatoid intrusion, pluton, batholith type magmatic origin pluton/deep rocks) defined and named under the general name, forming different types. Under the name of carbonatoblastites, many carbonatoblastite type metablastic rocks (alkali metablastites, syenitoblastite, monzonitoblastite, calcitoblastite, calcito-dolomitoblastite, dolomitoblastite, sideritoblastite, stroncianitoblastite etc.) and carbonate-originated rock-forming main-secondary-trace crystalloblast neominerals (calcitoblast, dolomitoblast, witheritoblast, stroncianitoblast etc.) forming different carbonatoblastites have been etymologically redefined, named, classified and their physical-chemical properties have been determined. Depending on the compositions and contents of pure-impure carbonate/limestones which are primary source rocks and pure-impure marbles which are metamorphic equivalent rock units of the mentioned primary source rock units, different pure-impure carbonatoblastite type metablastic rocks which are rootless, metamorphic origin, a kind of new modern metamorphic rocks develop. Depending on the mineralogical composition of carbonatoblastites; especially calcitoblastite-dolomitoblastite type metablastic rock types formed by calcitoblast-dolomitoblast crystalloblast neominerals, pure-impure carbonatoblastites formed by two or more main rock-forming carbonatoblast crystalloblast neominerals with different physical properties, develop strange vertical structural geomorphological shapes in topography/morphology (eroded cone stalagmites, fairy chimneys etc.) as a result of different erosions, meltings and dissolutions due to external factors (wind, snow-rain water etc.). Because the physical properties of the rock-forming main calcitoblast and dolomitoblast crystalloblast neominerals are different and their resistance to external factors will be different, they cause the development of different karst formations (erect cones, caves, grooves, abrasions, cavities, etc.) on the outer surface of the carbonatoblastite type rock they form due to different abrasion/erosion, melting and dissolution in the calcitoblastite-dolomitoblastite type carbonatoblastite type metablastic rocks they form. In addition, carbonatoblastites are a new type of 3rd generation metablastic rock types of modern metamorphic origin, developed within the regional dynamothermal Tarhan metamorphism cycle, and correspond to the 5th classical state of matter, which developed spontaneously in nature and can be seen in every phase of our daily lives. Such geomorphological formations are known as "rock forests", which are widely developed in many countries. In addition, pure and impure carbonatoblastites contain precious and semi-precious stones, ornamental stones (Gemology), radioactive and heavy and light rare earth elements/REE, the world's richest potential metablastic ore/mineral deposits. They contain carbonate-based metallic-non-metallic ores and strategic minerals.
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