The scientific and technological progress of modern society is an objective process that cannot be stopped. Currently, cities occupy about 0.3% of the earth's surface area, but they are home to more than 40% of the population. Large cities are expanding their functional properties and becoming stimulators of the growth of new industries, integration and focus of human economic activity. The concen-tration of a large number of equipment, buildings, and population in one area of a modern city has led to the fact that the urbanized environment is significantly different from the natural environment in terms of quality. In the context of large cities, humans deform the environment and feel the consequences of deformation acutely.Consideration of environmental problems from a modern perspective allows us to assert that envi-ronmental degradation is not inevitable and does not necessarily accompany human economic activity. At the same time, the author emphasizes the lack of unity of methodological approaches to the identification of environmentally caused diseases, contradictions in assessing the role of environmental factors, insufficient development of criteria for identifying environmentally caused pathology, imperfection of the system of envi-ronmental risk assessment and management, and the need for scientific substantiation of the system of legal and economic compensation for health damage associated with the impact of environmental factors. The process of urbanization and its related qualitative characteristics can be effectively considered only when studying the human-society-environment system. The most important task of studying the afore-mentioned system is to investigate the continuous process of urbanization and the increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment and public health. In these conditions, it is important to understand the sequence and features of the urbanization process, to study the impact of climate change, the development of anthro-pogenic factors, their impact on the environment and public health.The paper discusses the main hygienic and environmental problems associated with the process of urbanization and climate change, and proposes comprehensive measures to prevent and reduce the nega-tive consequences for the population. It is demonstrated that the management of the processes of formation of the urbanized environment is an important component of urban life and the main task of ensuring comfort-able living conditions for the population.
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